PhD Academy: Innovation, Development and Policy

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Location: SMU

Course Features
  • Video Lectures
  • Discussion Forums
  • Quizzes
  • Interaction Opportunities

PhD Academy: Innovation, Development and Policy


The Ph.D. Academy on ‘Innovation, Development & Policy’ is co-organized by The North America and Caribbean Chapter of Globelics (NACLICS), HEC Montréal, and the Sobey School of Business at Saint Mary’s University.

Course Overview

The Academy addresses innovation, development, and policy from a multidisciplinary perspective and is relevant to the Global South and the Global North and builds on the following areas:

  • Innovation and development.
  • Systems of innovation and contributions to technological capability building for innovation, including social, inclusive, sustainable, and responsible innovation.
  • International business (e.g., FDI, innovation, and development).
  • Science, technology, and innovation policy.
  • Transitions to digitalization, sustainability, and post-pandemic recovery.
  • Industry 4.0 technologies and development.
Topics related to areas under the Sustainable Development Goals, innovation, and development (e.g., innovating for climate change, for energy, innovating for gender equity and for diversity, and poverty eradication through innovative means).
The Academy brings together leading practitioners and academics, and will include:   
  • Lectures and mentoring from leading practitioners and scholars.Panels featuring experts in policymaking.
  • Faculty feedback on one working paper for each participant.
  • Advice on job talks and career/professional advancement.
  • An interdisciplinary group research project.
